Hero X10 bow shooting reveiw by Pablo Norczyk Simon, Spain

see the email letter from Pablo Norczyk Simon, Spain, who shoot our Hero X10 compound bow ,

Dear Sir/Madame,

My name is Pablo Norczyk; I am a member of the Spanish Archery Junior National team and am writing to apply to your pro staff team.

The reason I am interested in the Sanlida pro staff team is because a few weeks ago I bought the Sanlida Hero x10 for my girlfriend (whom I am currently training as I expect her to join the national team in a few years) and after tuning it and getting her shooting her first hundred arrows I realized that this is in fact a high quality bow. This fact really caught my eye because, as a coach, I have always had the problem of people not being able to spend a fortune in a target compound bow (even more nowadays, when bows get to reach the 1600 euro mark) , and rather going to more price-friendly alternatives (as recurve or traditional archery).

But after shooting the Sanlida I checked that, at a low price, I could get overall the same performance as with my high-end American made bow. And this really motivated me to break the low-price Chinese-bow stigma that many people have here in Spain, since most people see those products as just an entry bow that they will need to sell as soon as the opportunity to buy a "better" bow appears. But if I am able to shoot this bow and prove them that it can be shot as good (or even better) than those expensive bows I will be able to persuade more people into shooting compound at an affordable price; reducing the entry barriers and expanding the compound community (especially among the young archers that tend to be extremely price sensitive) as right now no archer in Spain is having any results with this high-performance/low-price bows (and even the Hero x10 is seen as a low quality Chinese product).

To sum up I am interested in representing Sanlida as I feel quite involved in getting people to start shooting compound, and with your product I think that there is a potential market that could help Sanlida grow as well as making the compound community in Spain grow. I will get my CV attached.

Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you and discussing possible improvements to your current product.
Pablo Norczyk Simon

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